8 research outputs found

    A Complex Mining Process about Air Quality

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    http://www.atlantis-press.com/php/download_paper.php?id=9649International audienceIn this paper we present a mining project about extracting knowledge from public documents concerning air pollution. Our collection contains annual reports about air quality, acid rains, climatological conditions in the large area of Mexico City. These reports contain reliable data and are generated by the Department of Environment, they are in a printable format (.pdf file) with number of pages, table of content, textual information, numerical information in tables, images. For a human being it is impossible to read the whole collection during a relatively short period (a few days or weeks) and understand the content of them. An automatic box of tools able to extract knowledge, to quick retrieve important term, to answer some exact questions about precise climate parameters would be an important help for lecturers. We will describe our project based upon a text and data mining process; the aims of the complex process are extract frequent temporal pattern, to extract association rules, to integrate also some information retrieval simple tools. In parallel, some data mining techniques will be used to detect the same types of data presented in every report and then to extract a numerical datamart containing climatological data structured by month, year, geographical area. The datamart will be analyzed also. The main steps of our mining process are: preparing documents (cleaning, removing images, table of contents, footnotes), transforming in structured document (in a XML format with a precise DTD), indexing, various algorithms and methods of mining, visualising results and validating knowledge. We think also that our methodology will concern also other collections of the same category : reliable data and informations presented in huge periodical reports

    El bio-diseño: una alternativa para el desarrollo de productos

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    Este artículo trata de cómo es posible aprovechar las ventajas de la estructura biológica del fruto seco de la Luffa cylindrica para diseñar una órtesis de miembro inferior firme, resistente, ligera, ventilada, higiénica y cómoda para una persona aplicando ingeniería inversa, mediante el empleo de las nuevas tecnologías (NT), en éste caso un escáner. La estructura de este trabajo es la siguiente, en la introducción se presenta una visión general del problema a tratar, después se presenta la naturaleza como fuente de inspiración y alternativa en el desarrollo de productos, así como la selección del organismo biológico; la tercera sección es acerca de las órtesis para miembros inferiores humanos hechas a base de yeso, así como de los inconvenientes que presentan para el usuario; a continuación se presentan los métodos para la reproducción del organismo biológico, mediante el proceso de ingeniería inversa, mediante un resonador magnético; finalmente se presentan las conclusiones. Los resultados encontrados favorecen la creación de estructuras inspiradas en la naturaleza que pueden apoyar la creación de productos ortopédicos que son más convenientes para el usuario a un bajo costo

    Analysis of Mexican Research Production - Exploring a Scientifical Database

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    International audienceThis paper presents an exploring analysis of the research activity of a country using ISI web of Science Collection. We decided to focus the work on Mexican research in computer science. The aim of this text mining work is to extract the main direction in this scientific field. The focal exploring axe is: clustering. We have done two folds analysis: the first one on frequency representation of the extracted terms, and the second, much larger and difficult, on mining the document representations with the aim of finding clusters of documents, using the most used terms in the title. The cluster algorithms applied were hierarchical, kmeans, DIANA, SOM, SOTA, PAM, AGNES and model. Experiments with different number of terms and with the complete dataset were realized, but results were not satisfactory. We conclude that the best model for this type of analysis is model based, because it gives a better classification, but still it needs better performance algorithms. Results show that very few areas are developed by Mexicans

    Big Data : Panorama General

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    Diseño de un Tutor Virtual para la Carrera de Ingeniería en Computación de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

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    En este trabajo presentamos el diseño de un subsistema de apoyo para dar tutoría virtual a los alumnos de la carrera de Ingeniería en Computación de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana unidad Azcapotzalco. A través de la puesta en marcha de este subsistema se espera resolver los problemas de información académico-administrativa, que a su vez permitan incrementar los índices de retención, acortar el tiempo de permanencia y la optimización del tiempo de nuestros alumnos. Se detallan los 8 módulos de que consta, así como su inserción en una página de apoyo académico para los alumnos

    Family Functioning and Suicide Attempts in Mexican Adolescents

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    Suicide is considered a public health problem that affects families worldwide. Family functioning is the capability of the family system to fulfill needs during the stages of its development. In this study, we focused on evaluating family cohesion and adaptability in a group of adolescents who had attempted suicide and were hospitalized at a hospital for mental health disorders, compared to a control group. Methods: based on Olson’s circumplex model, we used the FACES III scale to gain insights into the family functioning of both suicidal and control groups. Results: The case group presented lower scores in cohesion and adaptability compared to the control group, with moderate effect-size for cohesion (Cohen’s d/r test = 1.217/0.52) and low effect-size for adaptability (Cohen’s d/r test = 0.746/0.35) (p < 0.001 for both variables), and also presented predominantly disengaged families (72.5% in the case group vs. 27.5% in the control group) and structured families (45% in the case group vs. 23.8% in the control group). The type of family described by the adolescents with a history of suicide attempts may explain the presence of low self-esteem and little emotional support usually present in this type of patient

    Family Functioning and Suicide Attempts in Mexican Adolescents

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    Suicide is considered a public health problem that affects families worldwide. Family functioning is the capability of the family system to fulfill needs during the stages of its development. In this study, we focused on evaluating family cohesion and adaptability in a group of adolescents who had attempted suicide and were hospitalized at a hospital for mental health disorders, compared to a control group. Methods: based on Olson’s circumplex model, we used the FACES III scale to gain insights into the family functioning of both suicidal and control groups. Results: The case group presented lower scores in cohesion and adaptability compared to the control group, with moderate effect-size for cohesion (Cohen’s d/r test = 1.217/0.52) and low effect-size for adaptability (Cohen’s d/r test = 0.746/0.35) (p < 0.001 for both variables), and also presented predominantly disengaged families (72.5% in the case group vs. 27.5% in the control group) and structured families (45% in the case group vs. 23.8% in the control group). The type of family described by the adolescents with a history of suicide attempts may explain the presence of low self-esteem and little emotional support usually present in this type of patient